On what constitutes Defendant’s Constitutional Right to Facilities for the Preparation of his Defence?

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In MUSA IBRAHIM V THE STATE  2017 LPELR 42261 (SC)  AT PAGE 29 – 30 PARAGRAPHS E-A, Akaahs JSC on the Defendant’s constitutional right to facilities for his defence as provided in section 36(6)(b) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), and what the facilities are, relied on OKOYE V COP (2015) 17 NWLR (PT 1488) 274 and held that “ the accused or his counsel representing him should be availed  all  the facilities that will assist in the preparation of his defence. For the accordance of doubt what the accused requires is the statement of witnesses and police investigation reports and any medical or expert report which bears relevance to the offence allegedly committed by accused”.

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