How Afam Osigwe Will Transform the NBA With Focus On Young Lawyers

Afam Osigwe has a vision for the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) that promises to revolutionize its structure and operations. Here’s how he plans to bring about transformative change:

Co-Working Spaces for Young Lawyers

One of Afam Osigwe’s key initiatives is to establish co-working spaces for young lawyers. Recognizing the financial and logistical challenges faced by newly qualified lawyers, Osigwe plans to create affordable, collaborative workspaces equipped with essential resources. These co-working spaces will provide young lawyers with access to legal libraries, high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and office equipment, fostering an environment conducive to professional growth and networking. By alleviating the overhead costs of setting up a private practice, this initiative aims to empower young lawyers to thrive independently and confidently.

Regionalization of the Governing Structure of CLE

Continuing Legal Education (CLE) is crucial for maintaining the professional competence of lawyers. Afam Osigwe proposes to regionalize the governing structure of CLE to ensure more effective and localized administration. This approach will allow for the tailoring of CLE programs to meet the specific needs and legal landscapes of different regions. By decentralizing the management of CLE, Osigwe envisions a more responsive and adaptable system that can promptly address regional legal developments and trends, ultimately enhancing the quality of legal practice across Nigeria.

Creation of an NBA-CLE Platform

In tandem with regionalization, Afam Osigwe aims to create a comprehensive NBA-CLE platform. This digital platform will serve as a central hub for all CLE activities, providing easy access to course materials, registration, and certification. Lawyers will be able to track their CLE credits, participate in online courses, and stay informed about upcoming seminars and workshops. The NBA-CLE platform will leverage technology to streamline the CLE process, making it more accessible and user-friendly for all members of the NBA.

NBA Human Capacity Development Policies

Afam Osigwe is committed to enhancing the human capacity of the NBA through robust development policies. These policies will focus on continuous professional development, mentorship programs, and leadership training. By investing in the professional growth of its members, the NBA will build a more competent and dynamic legal community. Osigwe’s vision includes partnerships with international legal bodies and institutions to provide Nigerian lawyers with exposure to global best practices and emerging legal trends, ensuring they remain competitive in the global arena.

Branch and Legal Education Fund

To support the initiatives outlined above, Afam Osigwe plans to establish a Branch and Legal Education Fund. This fund will be dedicated to financing the activities of NBA branches and supporting legal education programs. By providing financial assistance, the fund will ensure that branches have the resources needed to implement local projects, conduct training sessions, and support their members effectively. Additionally, it will subsidize legal education for lawyers, making advanced training and specialization more accessible.


Afam Osigwe’s plans for the NBA represent a comprehensive strategy to modernize and strengthen the association. Through innovative initiatives such as co-working spaces, regionalized CLE, a centralized NBA-CLE platform, human capacity development policies, and a dedicated education fund, Osigwe aims to create a more supportive, efficient, and forward-thinking NBA that will serve the needs of its members and the broader legal community. His vision promises to transform the NBA into a beacon of excellence in the legal profession.


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